Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hey it's 6 am. It's been awhile since the last time i woke up at this hour, the shitty thing is, i had enough sleep, i'm on a comfy bed, yet i still end up waking up feeling like shit, why?

I know no one is wrong, if there is, it's me, it's always me, i understand.

I think it's really time for me to listen to literally everyone around me, to finally stop going after you.

This sucks, big time, but i have to do it. I probably wont be talking to you anymore, wont be seeing you anymore, but believe me, this feeling won't change, not for now or in a long time i guess :))

I wonder why people around you always dissing you, can they see you the way i do?

Your awkward smile, your awkward laugh when you cant follow the topic, the words you put out when you are either panicking or just surprised... I will always remember them. :)))

That night, the one time we went out, i do know that time maybe you're just feeling so down that you need someone to be with, and it's okay, i glad i was the one, and i will never forget every single thing we did that night. :))

Please be happy always, try to reduce the negative thoughts, i know sometimes you feel that the world is so shitty but believe me, there are people out there who genuinely concerned and care about you, please try to leave the train of negative emotions, i know you could do it. You are a wonderful person and you deserves to be happy.

I will never regret meeting and knowing you. :))

See you when i see you, je. :)))